Soundproofing Insulation
NoiseBlock DFB+ 200 HD Lamintated ≈ AVG STL 22dB(A)
NoiseBlock DFB+ 200 HD Lamintated ≈ AVG STL 22dB(A)
NoiseBlock™ DFB+ 200 our clients say is “the best soundproof insulation on the market!”
200kg density per m3, high density binder & laminated with a diserpation sheet. Unbeatable levels of sound isolation. Perfect for drywall partition & ceiling applications. For best results use wth our NoiseBlock Board.
EcoRock ≈ AVG STL 8dB(A)
EcoRock ≈ AVG STL 8dB(A)
NoiseBlock EcoAcoustic EcoRock is the new market leader in insulation.
EcoRock™ is more than insulation, it’s a green way of life. It offers parallel levels of thermal insulation, fire insulation and soundproofing insulation to that of other mineral glass fiber materials on the market; and its extreamly competitive on price.